You are really going to make me pay 30 cents more to download certain music? I am writing just to ask why. I mean, are you hurting financially? Are the artists? I don't want to assume here, but I think you and all of your musicians are doing just fine. For example...I really enjoy Lady Gaga's new song "Paparazzi," but all of a sudden it costs me $1.29 to download and enjoy it? Does she really need that extra 30 cents from me? Do you? Really??
Oh my dear iTunes. I think you are scamming me. I think you know I like that song and assume I will pay anything for it. Well, you are wrong my friend. You are wrong. I pride myself in being someone who respects the work and talents of others and downloads music legally. You may now be driving me to do otherwise. We can't be friends if you are going to take advantage of me. I'm sorry. I just can't accept that.
Jen "I just want to hear my jam" Fogleman