Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tis the Season

Ah yes, Christmas day. It is pretty picture perfect over here at 6318 North 105th Avenue, I must say. Laurie Wilson enjoys being quite festive. We've got the Christmas music blaring over the speakers and heard throughout the house, the table is set with our beautiful Christmas dinner ware, the tree is all aglow, stockings hang over the fire place, and Christmas cookies decorate every visible dish in the house. Yes, that's our Christmas.

We opened presents last night and I definitely got The Golden Girl's DVD's season 2 AND 3! Yes!! No ipods for me, I just need my girls.

We all went to church this morning and our pastor tried to do some weird interactive service thing. It was a good idea, but most people were pretty awkward about it. Luckily all of my CRU emcee experience allowed me to get up there and handle it rather well.

Well, over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go. Actually, it is around the block and in the driveway to the Norton's house we go. We are off for Christmas dinner and probably a lot of gift certificates. Good times! I shall leave you with this Christmas message, "Celebrate Jesus, Celebrate!"
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good...Day?

1 comment:

Amanda Tate said...

jerb. i was unaware that you had started your own blog. aren't you a little clever one? well your presence i also miss. but soon...we will reunite. until then, live life. and love.