Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I am now in my last semester of college. Scary?? Uh, yeah. Really good too though, because that means soon I will be done with homework and crap like that. Sweet. is amazing right now and God gets the credit for that. I am ready to live up this last semester here at good ol' KU and then see where life leads. Well, I got an internship, so I guess the next step is actually already planned. Yeah, its good.

This was a lame entry and it has been awhile since I've written anyway. I guess to summarize the last month, break rocked. I loved being home, DCC was a blast, and the Mississippi trip was incredible in so many ways. I got over some certain boy issues and encountered some new ones. Life will always give ya somethin' eh? So, thats it. I loved break and am sad it's over, but I am ready to live it up and party hard! Oh...wait...I'm not actually going to do that. Not in a bad way anyway.

Goodnight to you all. (Or just you, Tate)