Monday, February 27, 2006

Human Anatomy= The Plaza

I pretty much really love this color.

Ok, so Emily Ashcraft pretty much figured me out and found the Jen Blog. Sorry Tate, I hope you aren't mad that one of your fans is looking at my blog and Emily I am sorry I kept this from you. It really was such a dilema in my heart. Anyway...let's all be friends??

Pretty funny story:
Today I got to my Human Anatomy Class and went up to my usual seat in 130 Budig to sit by my peeps that are in there. I am sitting there pulling out my notes and all of a sudden there is a fountain of carbonated beverage raining down on me. I am totally not was a flowing fountain that could probably be put in The Plaza. My friend Al, who was next to me opened up this flavored water crap and it totally exploded, rained on her head, and sprayed anyone within a ten foot radius. It was incredible and hilarious. Everyone looked at us and I was crackin' up as Al looked up at me with carbonated water running all down her glasses and said, "Well, I guess I am not going to be in Anatomy today." Poor Al. It was good though. Real good.

So...there is my life I guess. Pretty exciting eh?? I must now continue my afternoon of homework and diligent studying. (I am also a liar.)