Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Gorilla Pizza Challenge

If you walk into the Wheat State Pizza in Lawrence, Kansas you will see a 24 inch cardboard circle on the wall advertising their "Gorilla Pizza.'' If you let your eyes wander a little bit more you will see the sign that says, "Take the Gorilla Pizza Challenge!" Translation: Eat one by yourself in one hour and you will get $275.

Of course when my husband's dear friends saw this challenge last week, they were convinced that if anyone could do it, Alan could. On September 12, 2009 Alan walked into Wheat State Pizza and took that challenge. This is his story.

A preview of what is to come.

Buying the pizza.

The gorilla approaches!!

Bite #1

About halfway through plus some's all strategy.

Alan's proud supporters (and sponsors for this event)- relaxing and eating pizza...leisurely.

"I'm going to eat your pizza!"

We knew we were losing him when he got into the 'resting on the table' position.

One of the final bites...

We kindly prevented Wheat State from having to clean the floor.

He did give that pizza hell though.

So, my friends, next time you see Alan Fogleman walking down the street be sure to pat him on the back and congratulate him on this incredible feat. No, he did not finish that gorilla pizza or walk away with any money, but I'll tell you what he did do. He took a challenge and he did not quit until his own body forced his hand. He filled himself with more pizza than any human should ever be filled with and he did it with dedication and integrity. His motto throughout this event is one that we should all be applying to our daily lives: "I won't quit. I will win or I will throw up."


Katie said...

ahahah! i wish i would have been there. i also noticed the infamous little asian lady behind him in a photo.
can i borrow godfather or come finishing watching it at your house. i loved hanging out, i really did. so refreshing to my ktd soul.

Alli Garlich said...

HILARIOUS - only Alan! Love the play by play with the pics

Travis said...

I'm glad you were there to support him. When life hands you such an epic journey to embark on, it is then that you must recall your vows to each other and summon the courage to kick that pizza's ass as a team. Alan - I'm endorsing your motto for my life, victories and vomit will be the only things I will settle for.

Anonymous said...

I can't say I'm inspired by the pizza consumption, but I am inspired by your unconditional love for you husband despite the pizza consumption. ;)

Amanda Tate said...

this is gross....but awesome. good work to als.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!